AI, Robotics, CogSci & More
Three Things That LLMs Have Made Us Rethink – Rodney Brooks
The real research behind the wild rumors about OpenAI’s Q* project
Revolutionizing Design: The Power Of Generative AI
Creative Robot Tool Use with Large Language Models
Introducing Amazon Q, a new generative AI-powered assistant

Squid-Inspired Powerful Untethered Soft Pumps via Magnetically Induced Phase Transitions
Humanoids and yet more humanoids
Robots at your doorstep: acceptance of near-future technologies for automated parcel delivery
Magnetic Liquid Metal Droplet Robot
The risk of another consciousness winter
Do Affordances Select or Control Actions?
Rats Can Use Imagination to Navigate in Virtual Reality, Study Finds
30th Anniversary of DOOM
How Much of a Genius-Level Move Was Using Binary Space Partitioning in Doom?
Doom rendering engine – Doom Wiki
“thread of everything that I’ve found that DOOM can run on. Some are real, some… maybe not“
December 10 – DOOM’s 30th Anniversary Stream with John Romero, John Carmack, and David L. Craddock
The Urban Toolkit: A Grammar-based Framework for Urban Visual Analytics
Circling the Square: Designing with “Squircles” Instead of Rounded Rectangles
A non-adaptive explanation for macroevolutionary patterns in the evolution of complex multicellularity
There is now a sixth taste – and it explains why we love carbs (2016)